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Batch processing in modern Java applications with Spring Batch.

In the world of software development, Batch processing has been one of the challenging areas to implement in the early stages. But these days there are plenty of solutions available out of the box in the frameworks and platforms to do batch processing. In this article, I will share my experience with one such tool, Spring Batch. This will enable you to do batch processing by configuring this with your existing Spring Boot applications. Before we jump into the Spring Batch let me brief you about batch processing. the name might make you fear a lot about it in case if you are new to this. It’s nothing but processing the transactions (data) as small chunks or groups without any manual interaction from the user of the application. You may ask why you want to do that. The answer is because it has a lot of benefits in terms of performance and the efficiency of the application as you deal with a large dataset.  Now let’s understand how it’s going to work and how we are going to implement this

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Does 5G use the same engineering that used behind a weapon?

5G is the fifth generation of wireless data/resource sharing technology and it is becoming more popular for its conspiracy unlike the 4G or previous technologies. Of course, 5G enables tons of benefits in our day to day work, Super-fast internet for instance. But the sad truth is there are some negative myths about it. So I decided to cover one of those. Sometimes back the US military developed a weapon called  ' Active Denial System (ADS)' to control the crowd by heating the surface of the target . it falls in the category of non-lethal technology that uses the  millimeter-wave  electromagnetic energy to work. In 2010 it was deployed with the United States military. Since t he purpose of the ADS is to make targets feel like something is hurting(heat) their skin while it is working, it is using   94 to 95 GHz exposure  millimeter-wave under very high power density. just like we do with sunlight and a magnifying glass .  The important thing is 5G also uses the s